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xIoT Security: Stats, Stories & Hacking

Community Meetup – xIoT Security: Stats, Stories & Hacking Demonstrations


Community Meetup – xIoT Security: Stats, Stories & Hacking Demonstrations

We’ve unleashed our dark allies from the nightmare dimension on an unholy crusade to demonstrate cyberattacks for your enlightenment. If you love seeing devices compromised as much as we do, join us for some hacking demonstrations, detailed security research findings, and threat mitigation techniques that will disappoint bad actors. Share your new knowledge around the water cooler, apply these preventative security strategies within your organization, and become the cool person at the office party everyone wants to hang out with, regardless of that cat sweater you insist on wearing.

We’ll demonstrate several hacks against xIoT, or Extended Internet of Things, devices. For those who would say, “But they’re just security cameras monitoring the parking garage, wireless access points in the cafeteria, or PLCs controlling robotic welding arms; what harm can they cause?” – this will illuminate that harm.

We’ll share stories from the trenches involving cybercriminals, nation-state actors, and defenders. Our presentation will detail findings from over six years of xIoT threat research spanning millions of production devices worldwide in enterprises and government agencies. We’ll identify various steps organizations can take to mitigate risk while embracing a Things-connected world.

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xIoT Security: Stats, Stories & Hacking

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